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The Origin of the Dunlap to Peoria Run

Dunlap inspired by cancer victim

DeWayne Bartels

Originally published July 23, 2008


Danny Kurth is an inspiring figure in Dunlap, despite his passing three years ago. Time has not diminished his influence on Michelle Stear or the Rev. Mary Kathryn Pearce. Kurth died from cancer. The disease manifested itself while he was still a child. He passed away at the age of 21 in July 2005.


Kurth will be remembered Aug. 2 as runners depart Prospect United Methodist Church embarking on a long run to raise funds for St. Jude. “The route is over 50 miles. It’s run in relay style,” said Stear, the run’s organizer. This is the third year for the run in Kurth’s memory. The first year the run attracted just five runners. Last year, the number climbed to 17, and this year, 30 runners have signed up so far. The goal for funds this year is $25,000. The goal has almost been reached.


Stear, who is now eight months pregnant, said the run was, for her, initially inspired by Pearce, who challenged the church members to do something for St. Jude. “She said, ‘Why can’t there be a run in Dunlap?' It inspired me to start the run,” Stear said. Stear was further inspired after meeting Kurth’s family. Stear had never met Kurth. But she recalls vividly learning of his death. “During vacation Bible school, I found out about Danny,” Stear said. The children at the church were making him cards while he was undergoing treatment. “He was in Memphis fighting for his life,” Stear said. “The last day of vacation Bible school we learned he’d passed. He’d fought his entire life.”


Kurth’s passing deeply affected Pearce, his pastor. Just a couple months after his death, in August, as attention grew around the Memphis-to-Peoria St. Jude Run, Pearce delivered a sermon with a challenge. She challenged the church membership to do something to commemorate Kurth’s life and help others. “I shared that in the history of the United Methodist Church that John Wesley, our founder, told us to care for the children,” Pearce said. She told her parishioners the United Methodist Church had partnered with St. Jude to battle AIDS in Africa. “I extended that and said, ‘What if we became proactive and began a Dunlap run?’ Michelle Stear heard that and she did it,” Pearce said. “It’s allowing the church to do what we Methodists are called to do.”


For Pearce, this is a very personal thing. “He loved the marching band at Dunlap High School. What moved me was his tenacity to fight the cancer. He believed in hope. He was resilient, even in the eyes of this disease,” she said. “He had a gentleness about him and compassion.” Pearce said the inspiration she felt from him lives on in the run. “This is the people of this church. They captured this challenge and, in the process, are carrying on what was to be learned from his life.”


Dunlap Run Requirements


  • Register for the Dunlap satellite run at  Requires a $55 registration fee that covers insurance, administrative costs, run expenses, etc.

    • Links to satellite run registration and fundraising portals

    • Forms for side events, license plates, letter head, fundraising ideas, tax forms, matching gift program instructions, etc.

    • Links to St. Jude merchandise

  • You must be 18 years of age to participate. If 16 or 17, you must also have a registered parent or legal guardian present during the Run at all times. If a parent or legal guardian is not able to attend, the parent or legal guardian must put in writing via permission slip and/or waiver that they approve an alternate adult guardian to stand in their place. (parent or guardian does not have to run or fundraise). Due to a change in insurance policy, this is an updated guideline in 2022.

  • Runners are required to raise a minimum of $1,000 (additional $500 for any additional runner within same household).

  • Runners are required to wear an approved reflective safety vest or harness at all times during the run.

  • No headphones are allowed during the run.  Music will be provided by the chase vehicle.

  • No alcohol during the run or runner’s parade.

  • All runners are required to attend at least one runner meeting unless other arrangements are made with the run coordinators.

  • Runners will need to purchase a 2025 St. Jude Dunlap to Peoria Run parade shirt if you plan to participate in the runner parade.


Meet The Dunlap Run Committee

Open Positions!

Race Runners

What to Expect on Run Day

  • The day will kick off early morning from the Dunlap Grade School parking lot and we will make our way through Dunlap neighborhoods to downtown Peoria over the course of the next 8 hours or so.

  • The Dunlap run is separated into a series of run segments or “legs” that average about 1-2+ miles each, for a total of 30+ miles.  Each participant can run as much or as little as they wish throughout the day.  We always encourage everyone to at least run the first and the last legs, which are typically one mile each.  These legs are the most fun!!

  • This is a fundraising run, not a competitive race.  Every runner has raised the required funds to allow them the right to participate.  Most participants are not avid runners, and we will accommodate the pace accordingly.  We always run as fast as the slowest runner.  Two to three fast legs will be included in the run route.

  • If you choose to not run a particular leg, we have 2 55-passenger charter busses that will transport runners and volunteers from one stopping point to another.  Bonus:  the busses have bathrooms and air-conditioning!

  • A caravan will accompany the runners on the road which includes a chase vehicle with music and a police escort.  The charter busses and a trailer with sandwiches, snacks and drinks will be available at each stop.

  • At the end of every leg, we will take a short break before the next leg starts.  Use this time to grab a drink or snack, reapply the Icy-Hot or sunscreen, and decide if you are joining the next leg.  We have a few designated bathroom stops that will be longer breaks.

  • If you were too ambitious and find yourself running a leg you can’t complete, a chase vehicle follows the pack for this very reason.  Just hang back, jump in the vehicle, and ride to the next stop with everyone else in the same boat.  Never fear, this has happened to just about every runner!

  • At the end of the run route, our runners typically go home to clean up and come back for the runner parade into the telethon and post-run celebration at the Peoria Civic Center.  A block of hotel rooms downtown will also be available as an option. Showers are also available to use at the Civic Center.  The runner parade is where all the satellite runs come together and join the Memphis runners into the telethon where team check presentations will happen throughout the night. 

  • This event is extremely heartwarming.  You will meet wonderful people, all participating for various reasons. This unique experience is well worth the effort.  Once you participate, you will be hooked!

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