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Fundraising Basics


Participant Center

  • Be sure to personalize your webpage! Why are you running? Is there a personal connection or someone you are running in memory or support of?  Include pictures and stories, make it meaningful!

  • You can send emails directly from your participant center with personalized templates!  Email your entire contact list including friends, family and coworkers asking them to support you.  Your email will have a direct link back to your website and when they donate online, your fundraising account will automatically be credited and the donor will receive a receipt for tax purposes.

  • Your portal will also keep track of donations and remind you to send thank you emails – templates are provided.

Social Media

  • Make posts on your social media accounts!  You can post updates, thank your supporters, and provide a direct link to your personalized webpage.

  • Creating a Facebook fundraiser is a great way to reach a broad audience and makes donating easy.  However, be sure to create the Facebook fundraiser via the St. Jude Runs Participant Center and NOT directly through Facebook.  This way, the donations will be credited directly to your fundraising account.

  • Post updates, pictures, and videos throughout the day of the run with a link to your webpage.  You will be surprised how many last-minute donations this can bring in!​


Corporate Matching Programs

  • Take advantage of corporate matching gift programs.  Many of your donors may work for companies that have a program like this.  Their donation could double simply by filling out a form and following the steps to submit a matching gift. 

  • Make it easy for your donors!  If you know someone works for a company with a matching gift program, include the instructions to submit for the match in your donation request email.  Or follow up with the instructions in your donor thank you email.  Instructions available at under Runner Resources.

  • If you are a Caterpillar employee, be sure to take advantage of the Volunteer Service Match Program. For every 10 hours an eligible Caterpillar participant volunteers to an eligible charity and records, the participant may request the Foundation to provide a $100 USD grant to an eligible charity designated by the participant. A maximum of $1,000 USD (up to 100 hours) per calendar year may be granted per participant. And the hours you spend on run day count!!

Private Side Events

  • Raffles, bake sale, backyard BBQ, garage sale, etc.  Get creative!

  • Publicly advertised events and use of the St. Jude logo requires approval by the Run Office – – Runner Resources

  • If you plan to post fliers in a public space, please check with the property manager before posting your materials

  • Local communities often have laws governing fundraising activities like raffles, garage sales, and other promotional activities.  Please check with your local government before fundraising in these ways.  Check with one of the coordinators for assistance.

Multiple Runners in Same Household

  • Fundraising minimum is $1,000 for first runner, then additional $500 for each runner in the same household​

  • Registered runners under the same address will be combined by Treasurer to determine if households have reached fundraising minimums

  • OPTIONAL – fundraise under one account

    • All household members must register individually

    • Choose one runner account to fundraise from

    • All other accounts can be marked as “unsearchable” when registering

    • Change the display name of the fundraising account to something like “Dexter Family” or “Amy and Morgan” to avoid confusion with your donors

    • Begin fundraising using the designated account


* If you have trouble with marking an account as unsearchable or with changing your display name – email the coordinator team at and we can help!

Deposit Instructions


Online donations made directly through your St. Jude Runs Participant Center link will be automatically credited to your fundraising account, including any donations made through your Facebook fundraiser if it was created via your St. Jude Runs Participant Center.

Depositing Checks

Contact for questions
Amy Dexter
Dunlap to Peoria St. Jude Run Treasurer

Checks should be made out to St. Jude Runs

with the runner's name written in the memo section


Runner can deposit checks using the mobile check deposit feature in their St. Jude Runs Participant Center.  Go to the “Your Donations” section and follow the prompts.  Step-by-step instructions and FAQ available on under Runner Resources.  This is the easiest and most preferred method.


Runner can deposit checks directly at any PNC Bank location.  Fill out a deposit slip as indicated below.  Be sure to include the runner’s name so the check can be credited to the correct fundraising account.  The Dunlap Run Treasurer will credit the appropriate account behind the scenes.


Out of town runners can mail checks to: Amy Dexter; 11023 N Moonstone Ct, Dunlap, IL 61525.  Be sure to include the runner’s name.


Due to IRS requirements, be sure to record donor name and donation amount on all donations $250 and above by submitting the required information on the following link:

This form is not required for online donations (including those received via a Facebook fundraiser if linked to your portal) or mobile check deposits.

Depositing Cash

Contact for questions
Amy Dexter
Dunlap to Peoria St. Jude Run Treasurer

Runner can deposit cash at any PNC Bank location and fill out the deposit slip as indicated below.  Be sure to include the runner's name so the cash can be credited to the correct fundraising account.  The Dunlap Run Treasurer will credit the appropriate account behind the scenes.


Due to IRS requirements, be sure to record donor name and donation amount on all donations $250 and above by submitting the required information on the following link:

This form is not required for online donations (including those received via a Facebook fundraiser if linked to your portal) or mobile check deposits.

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